Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big Apple Adventure

This week is vacation bible school at our church.  Our theme for the year is "Big Apple Adventure: Where faith and life connect!"

I am the music rotation leader.  This is my second year teaching music at VBS, but my 5th helping in that rotation.  I love music because you get to experience each group of children and teach them all of the songs and motions (yes motions!) for the week!  It can be trying and some of the motions can be challenging, but it is so rewarding!

VBS is definitley not like it was when I was a kid.  Now days, the children rotate through different areas like crafts, recreation, music, missions, etc.  And we serve a meal every night before "school" starts.  When I was in bible school you did everything in your classroom. Your lesson, crafts, recreation.  And for snack, we had cookies and kool-aid. 

I loved VBS as a kid and I am so glad that my children will grow to love it too, on a completely different level, but for the same purpose.

So, if you think about it this week between 6 and 9 pm, say a prayer for our Bible school students and leaders that we may glorify Christ through what we do and that children (or adults) that may not know Christ will come to have a relationship with Him.

Please come out and join us if you would like.  We have classes from Nursery through 6th grade for the children with dinner starting at 5:30 pm.  And also an adult class starting at 6:30 pm in our old sanctuary.  We would love to have you!

1 comment:

  1. I really loved the butter cookies that you could put on your finger and the strawberry koolaid.... those were the days!!! Have fun!
