Monday, June 20, 2011

What we've been up to

Pardon me for not posting for a week or so, but it has been busy around here.  We had Vacation Bible School two weeks ago and that kept us going all week long.  At the end of that week, Justin had his first "barber shop" haircut.  Now, keep in mind this was not his first haircut, we have had about 6.  We have been to the beauty shop and to Snip-Its too, but his Daddy decided he needed to be a big boy and get his hair cut by Mr. Scott.  To say I was nervous is an undertstatement.  I didn't want him to be scalped or to not look like my baby anymore, but I also wanted his hair to be short enough that he could be cool and comfortable this summer.  So, here is the pics of the barber shop and the after shot.  We are pleased with his new "do" and think he is super handsome.  We have only spiked his hair up one time, but I thought it looked so cute.

How cute is he!!??

I also have been doing some painting.  Back in March we replaced the carpet in our living room and hallway with laminate wood flooring and painted our living room and got new furniture. We also backsplashed the kitchen wall and bought paint for the kitchen and guest bathroom.  Well this past week I decided to get the guest bathroom painted and we also conquered the kitchen.

Our only dilemna is that we have to finish the kitchen by painting over the cabinets.  A trial we thought we could get away without doing by making it seem like we wanted the contrasting paint colors, but it is too obvious that we just didn't want to paint it.  Our design failed.  Oh well.  It shouldn't take long and since we aren't planning to have Hagrid over for dinner anytime soon, we are in no hurry to get it done or for it to be perfect.  Here are the new colors in the guest bathroom and kitchen.  (One day I will dig up old pics and do a before new flooring and paint and after post.)

As you may remember from my post talking about my work schedule, I work Sun-Thurs evenings from 9 pm-midnight.  Well, on Sunday nights, Donnie is already gone to work by the time I need to start and sometimes the kiddos aren't in bed yet.  I rely on Audrey's help a lot on Sunday nights because I know that she can play with Justin and keep him occupied while I get started working until he is ready for bed.  Last night she says to me "Mom, I know you have to work, so Justin and I will go lay in your bed together and watch Sprout.  I can get him to sleep for you."  I thought, Yeah, ok.  Mosty because Justin is under the impression that my bed is in fact a trampoline and spends most of his time in there jumping and getting as close to your face as he can saying "hey, hey, hey, hey".  So I get started to work (which didn't last long, but that is another story), and I go in there in about 30 minutes because it is quiet to check on them.  I walk in and Justin sits up, and Audrey in her most grown up voice says "Mom, he is doing good.  He is getting sleepy".  So I let them be.  About 45 minutes later, I walk in to find this.....pure sweetness.  And they look JUST ALIKE.

I am so thankful that they love each other!  So far, it has been a great summer!

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