Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bedtime...'s 9 pm at our house and it's quiet.  Know why?  Cause our children are in bed.  Since it is summer, Audrey can stay up til about 10 now, but Justin is usually in bed by 9.  During the school year, bedtime is between 7:30 and 8.  I feel very strongly that children need sleep.

Anyway, on to the subject (or should I say rant and rave) of this post.  We live in a neighborhood.  When we bought our house 9 years ago, we were sold on the fact that it was quiet, no streetlights, no sidewalks, just quiet.

Over the years, we have encountered different neighbors.  The first set of neighbors we had on our right, Chuck and Betsy, and their beautiful dogs were the ideal neighbors.  No fuss, no muss.  We could wave and say hello and go on with our business or we could have a nice chat with them.  Our neighbors to the left were only so-so. You know, the ones that may or may not cut their grass, etc.

Well, over the years, they have both moved out.  Leaving us with a bad situation on either side.  To our left, is what I like to call "too young for your own house".  Trash EVERYWHERE, grass may or may not get cut, loud music, etc.

To our right.  It is a strange scenario.  Their house is immaculate.  Their yards are always cut and pristine.  However, they have horses, which honestly, we haven't even noticed.  The worst thing about these neighbors is that they have four-wheelers.  And for some reason, the only time they like to ride them is after dark when my children are in bed.  It infuriates me.  They are SO loud and last night kept Justin up til almost 11 pm.

What to do?  Ask them politely? File a noise complaint?  Or let it be?  It is a thin line, cause I do not want to cause a rift, I mean, we do have to live next to these people.

UGH!  Okay, enough ranting for now. 

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